The Oatmeal Curse

The Oatmeal Curse

If you don’t say it with brevity, you don’t know it with clarity.”

-Greg Hague

Are there times when you virtually bite your lip to keep from interrupting someone? You know what they’re trying to say, but they go on and on, kind-of-sort-of saying it, but never just right? It’s what I call the “oatmeal” curse, speech without clarity, a thought process drowning in mush.

So many people live their lives in a sea of mush – unclear in what they know, unclear in what they want, unclear in what to do and unclear in where to go. It’s life without clarity; it’s hours and days, weeks and then months, a life wading through oatmeal and swimming in slush.

Can you imagine a father advising a son that one of the golden keys to success is to learn less, say less and do less? My dad, Chubby, did. He taught me a lesson I will never forget. He told me that the path to success is to get rid of the oatmeal and focus on less, and then know it perfectly and say it or do it amazingly.

The path to success is to get rid of the oatmeal and focus on less.

To wrap it all up, I’ll leave you with this, if you can’t do it perfectly or say it with brevity, you don’t know it with clarity – and if you don’t know it with clarity, you are best to focus on less and forget the rest.

Chubby reminded me that if I wanted to become a rock star (and he knew I did), it only takes one magnificently crafted, perfectly packaged number one song.

“It’s a lack of clarity that creates chaos and frustration. Those emotions are poison to any living goal.

-Steve Marboli

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